Why do the Psalms keep taking us back to God’s strength? Because we (rightly) yearn for security and he is the one who provides it.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
Pastor Tim talks about extravagant gifts and what the Bible says about the truly extravagant gift we receive at Christmas because of the very first Christmas.
Pastor Tim spent time in Busiek State Forest to better think about the time between the Newborn servant coming into the world and when we, His followers, will get to experience His triumph.
If God is a God of justice (and He is), then how do we live in a time of injustice? David wrestles with this in the middle of Psalm 7.
If God is a God of justice (and He is), then how do we live in a time of injustice? David wrestles with this in the middle of Psalm 7.
Pastor Tim takes us to the book of Micah to think about how God always surrounds us with His grace — even in His judgment.
Pastor Tim takes us back to Zechariah for a few thoughts on the third anniversary of Little Hills’ first ever livestream in 2020.
Pastor Tim takes us to Zephaniah and the prophet’s judgment — and promises — for God’s people in this week’s minor prophet.