'Leadership' Tagged Entries - Little Hills Church

Entries Tagged 'Leadership'

Our New Clothes (May 20, 2024)

Seeking wise counsel that will lead us closer to the Lord is at the heart of helping good leaders and being good leaders.

Neither Waves Nor Still Waters (May 13, 2024)

As we continue to explore what good leadership looks like, the next verse in Proverbs 25 helps clue us in: God values virtuous curiosity that neither seeks to needlessly cause trouble nor values stability over truth.

Zeal, Not Big Heads (August 14, 2023)

What does Biblical leadership look like? It looks just a “bit” different than what we see in the world.

Proverbs & Professionals: Leadership

Join us as we explore the essence of leadership and its significance in our lives, regardless of our perceived positions. Through a captivating story of King Solomon’s wisdom, we uncover valuable lessons on leading through chaotic and difficult situations. Discover how seeking God’s justice, wisdom, and glory can transform your approach to leadership and empower you to make a lasting impact in your world of influence.

Rescue the Sheep, Don't Build the Tall Building (July 11, 2022)

What does Godly leadership look like? Agur helps us to consider that in the next verses of Proverbs 30.