Pastor Tim helps us think about the next question in the New City Catechism (“What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us?”).
Pastor Tim helps us think about the next question in the New City Catechism (“Where is Christ now?”), a question that relates to how we view subjects such as communion.
Greg helps us think about the next question in the New City Catechism (“What is the Church?”).
Jesus calls us to be the body of Christ together, yet through bits of fixation there and preferences here we start to divide.
We are those called to follow in the Lord’s work. Are we committed to doing that with our work?
Being the church together is hard. How do we know what “ingredients” we need to rise to the calling God has for us?
As we continue to explore the prayer dedicating the temple, what does that prayer reveal about its purpose? Was the temple merely a way to encourage Israel’s worship of the Lord or did God direct them (and us) towards something more?
Once we have started building a relationship with Christ we have a tendency to hyper involve ourselves in disciplines and forget to release them into the world. In this message, we explore how to unleash the hope of Jesus both in generosity and justice, but also how to live in the tensions that both of them bring.
When the Gospel advances, it always advances past me and my preferences and past my “Old Time Religion.” The Holy Spirit isn’t done with His mission when He’s reached me; instead, He invites me to join in His mission.