'Praise' Tagged Entries - Little Hills Church

Entries Tagged 'Praise'

God is With Us Even When Chocolate Isn't (April 29, 2024)

We struggle with being thankful when things are still not right, but David helps us to see the opportunity to thank our God right now.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 50: Ps. 141-143)

Pastor Tim takes us through Ps. 141-143 for hope and confidence given to us in God’s love.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 42: Ps. 119, Part 3)

Jim and Tim continue our exploration of Psalm 119 this week by turning to the last third of it — and doing so live at Faithtoberfest!

Songs for Our Temple (Week 41: Ps. 119, Part 2)

In our second of three weeks exploring Psalm 119, Melanie takes us through through verses 57-104. Please join us as we continue to explore the longest of the Psalms!

Songs for Our Temple (Week 40: Ps. 119, Part 1)

The Psalminizers — Jason, Melanie, Jim and Tim — take us through an introduction to Psalm 119 as we reach the longest of the Psalms. We’ll begin to read it this week and then continue to explore it for the next several weeks.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 39: Ps. 115-118)

Jason and Tim take us through Psalms 115-118 in a special “Zippy the Wonder Snail” edition of Songs for Our Temple as we continue our one year journey through these songs praising God and applying His truth to our lives.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 29: Ps. 85-87)

Jim takes us through Psalms 85-87 this week to think about how we fixate on the wrong “city” and lose our focus on God.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 28: Ps. 82-84)

Melanie takes us through Psalms 82-84 to think about how we relate God’s law to earthly rulers, how we make sense of our “enemies” and expressing joy in God’s presence.

Palm Sunday

Pastor Gene’s son Jacob turns to Psalm 118 to help us think about what happened on the first Palm Sunday and how we are called to praise our God.