A special fifth anniversary Steadfast takes us to the next part of Psalm 9.
God cares for the lowly — like us — and wants us to follow Him in showing that care.
Why do the Psalms keep taking us back to God’s strength? Because we (rightly) yearn for security and he is the one who provides it.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
Feeling anxious? God gets it. God meets us in our worries and assures us that He’s with us.
Pastor takes us through Ps. 135-137 and thinks about how they fit into the time of preparation we call “Advent.”
Jim takes us through Ps. 132-134 and helps us to think about how they call us to further trust and faithfulness in our God in all situations.
Melanie takes us through Ps. 129-131 and how they help us to turn our trust toward our God.
God calls us to trust in Him even in uncertainty.