Pastor Tim takes us through three Psalms (16-18) that point us to the lasting treasure of God’s love on tonight’s “This Week at Little Hills.”
Read along with us! Throughout the week, read Psalms 16-18 and, as you have insights or questions, please leave them in the comments below! We’ll be here throughout the week interacting with each other on the readings! We’re aiming to read Psalm 16 today, Psalm 17 by Wednesday and Psalm 18 by Friday so that we can discuss all three of them together.
Get the full details on this 2022 Reading Plan through the Psalms by visiting our overview page.
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Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 6: Psalms 16-18)
Reading the words of how even in a raging, storm tossed life, crying out to the Lord is our only answer. I know that it is because of the fallen world that we find ourselves in the muck, but oh how hard at times it is to stay focused on him. Sometimes it is hard during the crashing waves. But reading this gives hope, an example of sorts, that it will happen, but stay with the Lord and he will help us.
Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 6: Psalms 16-18)
Psalms 16:1, “who do you turn to in the time of need, or hurt.” I agree with you, Tamara. It’s hard to stay focused on God through the hard times, and it’s that sinful nature that makes us think we need to prevail on our own. Everything that I have is because of you. Oh Lord, then he gives a list of them. Verse four talks about the faithless, drinking the offerings of blood for another god. Can you imagine asking someone, Who’s blood? Are you drinking from today? The shedding of Jesus’s blood from the cross is the blood that takes away my sins. It’s almost like an Easter psalm.
Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 6: Psalms 16-18)
As I was reading through Psalm chapter seventeen, I saw David pleading for judgment against a nation that is against his country. I don’t see this happening much in today’s Christian world.
Why don’t we as Christians call out the wrong in the world and ask God ask for his intervention against our enemies? I do relized judgment for them is coming because of the book of Revelation.
Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 6: Psalms 16-18)
Sometimes I think it is has to do with us focusing so much on the ways of the world ourselves. Even when we are upset about God dishonoring behavior around us, it looks an awful lot like we pick up the same techniques to respond to it, rather than coming to God. We need to instead bring these things before Him and find ourselves fixated on His promises as David concludes in the Psalm…
Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 6: Psalms 16-18)
The very end of Ps. 18 is amazing when you think about the promise of the Davidic line. It looks just like God is saying He is with a particular dynasty, but it is so much more: it is saying He is going to give us One who is the lasting, permanent King. Only in Jesus does the promise we find at the end make sense.