Songs for Our Temple (Week 10: Psalms 28-30) - Little Hills Church
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Songs for Our Temple (Week 10: Psalms 28-30)

Join Melanie for an adventure through our next three Psalms (28-30) as we continue going through all 150 Psalms this year! Live tonight at 7:30 p.m. (CST).

This Week’s Reading

Read along with us! Throughout the week, read Psalms 28-30 and, as you have insights or questions, please leave them in the comments below! We’ll be here throughout the week interacting with each other on the readings! We’re aiming to read Psalm 28 today, Psalm 29 by Wednesday and Psalm 30 by Friday so that we can discuss all three of them together.

About this Reading Plan

Get the full details on this 2022 Reading Plan through the Psalms by visiting our overview page.

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4 comments posted so far.

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 10: Psalms 28-30)

PSALMS 28 The first five verses cry out to the Lord of fear of God leaving him and falling into the enemy’s hands. When we face battles in our lives, we need to remember or even call out loud, “GOD, YOU ARE MY ROCK. TALK TO ME!!!” We may not be in battle like David was here in this chapter, but we do have an enemy that prowls around like a lion looking for who he can pull down. What draws you done down in life? Look at Galations2:20. The remaining verse in this chapter is David rejoicing for God’s answered prayer. Notice the new words, Blessed, strength, shield, trusted, rejoices, song, and praise. We know God hears our prayers, and we know He answers our prayers that are according to His will. When we die to ourselves is when we can live for Christ.

Posted by Jim Krenning - Mar 07, 2022 | 12:13 AM

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 10: Psalms 28-30)

PSALMS 29 This chapter shows the power of the voice of the Lord. The claim is that God is all-powerful over everything. He is telling the angels to praise the Lord for the glory and strength that is due to him. We are to worship Him in the splendor of holiness. The storm in our lives may be significant to us, but He is power is greater than our minor problems. May we find our peace in God along and worship him in holiness.

Posted by Jim Krenning - Mar 08, 2022 | 11:21 PM

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 10: Psalms 28-30)

PSALMS 30 psalms 30:9, “What profit is there in my death? If I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness?” There are a few good questions here in this verse. First, let’s identified the pit. This Hebrew word is mentioned nine times in this chapter, just a few more times than in the book of Job. So, you know where I am going by now? that dark place in life, either a time where you separate yourself for the love of God or die because you never had a relationship with Christ Jesus. What is your testimony to the world about the God you love so much? Let us go to the New Testament and check out Mark 8:35-37, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall keep it. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? If you were to die today, what are you leaving for your realm of influence? Is it material things that fade away or spiritly things that last forever?

Posted by Jim Krenning - Mar 10, 2022 | 11:49 PM

Psalm 30

Amen, Jim. May our lives, for as long as God gives us life, be filled with praise to Him and telling of His faithfulness! When He delivers us, it is so easy to go back to our old ways, but like the one leper who returned after being healed by Jesus, we should return with thanksgiving when God answers our prayers today.

Posted by Timothy Butler - Mar 12, 2022 | 5:49 PM (Edited on Mar 12, 2022 | 5:51 PM)

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