God cares for the lowly — like us — and wants us to follow Him in showing that care.
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our eleventh Online Prayer Walk all day on March 27! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
As we enter into a season of preparation in the weeks ahead of Easter, Ash Wednesday is a time to stop, reflect and place before God those sins and struggles we are burdened by. Join us for a brief evening prayer service that will include receiving ashes, a sign God’s people have participated in since the Old Testament times to express our frailty before God. As we take this time together, we will be reminded of the life He offers us in His Word.
Why do the Psalms keep taking us back to God’s strength? Because we (rightly) yearn for security and he is the one who provides it.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
We lose focus on what God has done for us and then aren’t able to do what He really wants us to do.
As we continue to explore Psalm 8, David finds himself in wonder over the glory of God being given to human beings.
As we continue to explore Psalm 8, David reminds us that we are never too insignificant for God to stop and show care for us.
Psalm 8 takes us to a King who’s kingdom was inaugurated long before the United States ever existed and whose power is greater than all the nations of the world.