Sermon Series on what we are called as Christians to do.
Jim gives us a challenge to consider as we wrap up the Prayer Walk this evening.
As the body, we’re called to show God’s mercy. Can the world see it?
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our seventh Online Prayer Walk all day on March 9! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. Let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our seventh Online Prayer Walk all day on August 24! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
Sermon Series on what we are called as Christians to do.
Pastor Tim talks about what the Rich Young Ruler was missing and how it parallels the experience of the Prophet Jonah.
What does Biblical leadership look like? It looks just a “bit” different than what we see in the world.
Sermon Series on what we are called as Christians to do.
Distractions in relationship are appealing to our flesh but destroy our relationships. When we allow Jesus between us, we become fully present to one another, and God becomes fully present to us. In a world filled with distractions, being intentional is key.