Little Hills Church - Little Hills Church
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Why Am I Here? (May 1, 2022)

We struggle to get our heads around why God allows suffering. How do we make sense of what happens in our world?

It is The Lord's Work (May 3, 2022)

We are those called to follow in the Lord’s work. Are we committed to doing that with our work?

Reckless Driving (April 25, 2022)

Continuing our series Bad Attitudes, we turn to a story about two of Aaron’s sons and their reckless approach before God… and how we can fall into the same traps.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

Join Jason as he looks at the salvation and forgiveness we find in Jesus shown in Psalms 49-51.

Limited Time Only Discount (April 18, 2022)

A brand new Steadfast series: Bad Attitudes looks at some of the “bad guys” of Scripture and how their misunderstandings of what God was doing and giving them can help us to better see God’s plans for our own lives.

Easter: The Goal

How does an empty tomb help me?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 16: Ps. 46-48)

Happy Easter! Join Jim on this Resurrection Sunday as we turn to our next three Psalms (46-48) and reflect on our God and His love. Live at 7:30 p.m. CDT.

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

A Live Streamed Journey Through Holy Week

Little Hills will be streaming a special Maundy Thursday/Good Friday journey through the Gospels’ account of the night Jesus was betrayed and the crucifixion. Please share this time with us, as we reflect on the wondrous love of our Savior.

Recipe for Disaster (April 11, 2022)

As we wrap up our series tonight, we look at two faithful colleagues of Paul and how their lives point us to what God calls us to show in our own as part of the Church.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 15: Ps. 43-45)

Join Melanie as we turn to our next three Psalms (43-45) and reflect on how they turn us towards our true hope on this Palm Sunday.

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