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We Can Pray (November 1, 2020)

In this election season there is panic, fear and hopelessness. But in the church, we can’t lose sight of Jesus, whose power and reign isn’t limited by any country or government. Jesus is casting a brand new vision for the entire world, therefore we can pray, we can vote and we can work with hope.

Sunset Service (November 6, 2020)

You can watch the replay of our first gathering since the pandemic started right here. Please join us for a celebration of God’s love and care for us.

Thankful for God's Grace (November 4, 2020)

What are we thankful for? Are we thankful for the amazing gift of grace Jesus gives us?

When in the Wilderness (November 2, 2020)

What do we do with the outcome of tomorrow? Scripture happens to tell us precisely what we should do. Please join Pastor Tim for this Election-eve Steadfast.

This Week at Little Hills (November 1, 2020)

Join Pastor Tim for a pre-election thought from Matthew 5.

Who Ya Gonna Call? (October 30, 2020)

Seymour Clearly shares a message on overcoming fear through Jesus.

The Heart of Things (October 26, 2020)

What does God look for in a leader? Join Pastor Tim tonight to think about that question and how it should guide us as we go to the polls.

Consider (October 26, 2020)

Pastor Parks wraps up a series from the Word of Encouragement thinking about the last “family rule.”

This Week at Little Hills (October 25, 2020)

Pastor Tim encourages us in our role as peacemakers, looking at Matthew 5:9.

Heart Check

Jesus is inviting us away from worry and into his rest. But we so often allow the things of this world to burden us. When it comes to our money, time and resources do we have a heart of self pleasure or a heart that is seeking God? 

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