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This Week at Little Hills: What Do Justification and Sanctification Mean? (April 26, 2024)

Pastor Tim takes us to the question “What do justification and sanctification mean?” from the New City Catechism. We all need to think about what it means to have faith in the only one who can offer us true salvation.

The Smoker Takes Time (April 22, 2024)

If God is a God of justice (and He is), then how do we live in a time of injustice? David wrestles with this in the middle of Psalm 7.

This Week at Little Hills: What Do We Believe by True Faith? (April 26, 2024)

Melanie takes us to the question “What Do We Believe by True Faith?” from the New City Catechism. We all need to think about what it means to have faith in the only one who can offer us true salvation.

The Sin-quake Will Be Dampened (April 15, 2024)

If God is a God of justice (and He is), then how do we live in a time of injustice? David wrestles with this in the middle of Psalm 7.

This Week at Little Hills: What is Faith in Jesus Christ? (April 12, 2024)

Greg takes us to the question “What is Faith in Jesus Christ?” from the New City Catechism. We all need to think about what it means to have faith in the only one who can offer us true salvation.

Love That Isn't Eclipsed (April 8, 2024)

David doesn’t ask God to only judge others, but himself, too. How can he do that? Does he believe himself to be above sin? Or is it that his hope isn’t in himself?

This Week at Little Hills: How Can We Be Saved? (April 6, 2024)

Pastor Tim takes us to the question “How can we be saved?” from the New City Catechism. This is a challenging but important question.

We're the Fools (April 1, 2024)

Sometimes our attempts to fix our situations we need rescue from go as badly as poorly planned April Fool’s jokes.

We See a Risen King (March 31, 2024)

The disciples at first saw an empty grave, but not a Risen King. We can find ourselves doing the same.

This Week at Little Hills: Easter Saturday (March 30, 2024)

Pastor Tim reflects on the empty tomb’s uncertainty before the disciples encountered the Risen Jesus.

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