Little Hills Church - Little Hills Church
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What is FaithTree?

FaithTree aims to encourage young adults with Christian fellowship, connecting believers from different churches and campus ministries for worship, prayer and thought-provoking conversations about faith. We are a ministry led by and rooted in churches around our area; you can learn more about our story here.

Opening Extravaganza 2017

We Launch A New Year on September 10!

We're going to have a fantastic combination of great food, fun summer games, music and more! This will be a great night to get to know those in the different campus ministries, get plugged in (or reconnected for the year) and just have fun. Please sign up right away by going to our Opening Extravaganza Facebook Event.

Lindenwood Cru

Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ

Lindenwood Cru's purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship through a variety of creative ways.

Support Us as You Shop

Shop for the things you already need and these merchants give back!

Did you know that you can help support FaithTree every time you shop? Schnucks Markets and both offer programs that allow you to identify your support of FaithTree and have them donate to us (at no cost to you) every time you shop. If you already need to buy things, why not make those purchases work towards spreading the Gospel and discipling students? Please register your support today.

Calvary Church

Calvary Church began in 1962 when a small group of people mortgaged their homes to start a church in St. Charles. While lots of things have changed since then, Calvary's core values have not. For more than fifty years, Calvary's leadership has been committed to Inspirational Worship, Transformational Growth, and Irreplaceable Impact.

Harvester Christian Church

Harvester exists to lead people to find and follow Jesus. We seek to do that by helping people explore the faith, embrace community, engage in service and empower disciples.

Immanuel Lutheran Church

Immanuel Lutheran exists to connect people with Jesus, grow in relationship with Christ and Serve one another in Him.

Ridgecrest Baptist Church

At Ridgecrest you will find a diverse group of all ages, interests, and walks of life. For all our differences, there is one thing that we have in common: all of us have been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all sinners who, by God's grace and loving kindness have been rescued by God from Satan, sin, and judgement. We are not perfect people, but Jesus has started a good work in us and has promised to be with us as we navigate our way through the road of life. Come along for the journey!

Bible Baptist Church

Bible Baptist Church has been a part of the community of Saint Charles for over fifty years. The church began in 1953 with a small band of members who had a vision for an Independent Baptist Church in their city. From humble beginnings in a store front building the church has grown over the years to its present facilities, which include a sanctuary, Sunday school building, and gymnasium.


Hear What FaithTree Means to Those at Our Events

Want to know what the Lord is doing at FaithTree? #FaithTreeTakes is a video series that lets you hear from students and others at FaithTree events about what those events mean to them.

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