Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51) - Little Hills Church
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Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

Join Jason as he looks at the salvation and forgiveness we find in Jesus shown in Psalms 49-51.

This Week’s Reading

Read along with us! Throughout the week, read this week’s Psalms and, as you have insights or questions, please leave them in the comments below! We’ll be here throughout the week interacting with each other on the readings! We’re aiming to read Psalm 49 today, Psalm 50 by Wednesday and Psalm 51 by Friday so that we can discuss all three of them together.

About this Reading Plan

Get the full details on this 2022 Reading Plan through the Psalms by visiting our overview page.

Tags: redemption, forgiveness, reading plan, songs for our temple, sacrifice, grace
Also Filed Under: FaithTree Grow: Local Church Messages: Little Hills: Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

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3 comments posted so far.

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

PSALMS 49 This chapter deals with the prosperity of the wicked and the misfortunes of the righteous. I see this a lot in the world today, where the unbeliever seems to be living in financial comfort, and the firm believer may be struggling with their finances. Looking at the susses of others may cause us to envy them and could cause us to slip away from their relationship with Jesus Christ. So we need to focus on Christ, not put our focus on others. If I were wealthy, I feel that I might depend more on my wealth than on Jesus Christ; I’ve learned to be content and be a good steward of what God has given me.

Posted by Jim Krenning - Apr 25, 2022 | 12:41 AM

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

PSALMS 50 The title in my bible has “God comes to Judge.” What is God judging? I read a story about a preacher who preached for fifteen minutes on a leg, and he fell. Then he got up and did the same thing, but he had the same result on the other leg. What was his point for this illustration? He said that we need a two-legged gospel of faith and obedience. This Psalms demands a faith that acts in obedience to God.

Posted by Jim Krenning - Apr 27, 2022 | 1:16 AM

Re: Songs for Our Temple (Week 17: Ps. 49-51)

PSALMS 51 This Psalms is the fourth and the best of the seven ‘penitential psalms. This confession comes from David’s blackest moments of self-knowledge, yet it explores the depths of his guilt and some of the farthest reaches of salvation. I believe sometimes we need to take a look back at our lives to make sure we haven’t drifted away from a holy relationship with God.

When was the last time you renewed your spiritual life? What power there is in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ! We are often pleased with the forgiveness of our sins, but we honor God with them? is it because we know better, so we confess like David has done here in this psalms?

Posted by Jim Krenning - Apr 29, 2022 | 12:50 AM

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