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Closed Doors of Doubt

Thinking about Thomas’s story should encourage all of us as we struggle with doubts throughout life. Join Pastor Tim as he shares a message from John 20:24-29 on Thomas and Jesus’s love for the disciple even in his doubts.

Closed Doors

Pastor Tim shares a message on fear, shame and the Resurrection from John 20:19-21.

Steadfast in Easter Hope

Pastor Tim shares a meditation on the Easter Hope we have from our Mighty Fortress, Jesus. We look at 1 Corinthians 15:20-21 and Ps. 46:8-11.

Steadfast in God's City

God Invites Us into an Immovable City with Him

Pastor Tim continues our series, Steadfast, looking at Psalm 46:1-7, where we learn of God’s heavenly city He invites us into. What do we do when it feels like God’s dwelling place is far away? We look to His promises that come from His steadfast love.

Steadfast in God's Love

Pastor Tim continues our three-week live streaming series from Psalm 57, looking at verses 7-11. How do we worship God in the hard times when we don’t feel very worshipful? We dig into that question this week.

Steadfast: Victory in Our God

Pastor Tim continues our three-week live streaming series, Steadfast, with Psalm 57:4-6. How do we look up to God to escape the “lions of life”? The Psalmist points us to God’s victory for help.


In the midst of the uncertainties of life that seem so present right now, we have a certain God. In our new three-week live streaming series, Steadfast, we will be reflecting on the certainty we have in the Lord. Join us as Pastor Tim shares a message of encouragement from Psalm 57:1-3.

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