Little Hills Church - Little Hills Church
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Christmas Eve at Little Hills

Come Online to Celebrate the Savior's Birth with Us

Join us on December 24 at 7 pm on Christmas Eve as Little Hills — a special moment to prepare our hearts for Christmas Day. During the service we will share in the culmination of our journey through the Four Gospels telling of the Savior’s arrival. We will share in readings from God’s Word, singing Christmas carols and enjoy a candlelight service to celebrate that our Savior is born!

O Christmas Stream

Joyful Celebration From Christmas Until Epiphany

Join us and our friends at FaithTree partner churches for a continuous rotation of Christmas music, nostalgic fireplace scenes, meditations from Scripture and more throughout Christmas weekend and then all the way through Epiphany. Whether you want just a few moments of Christmas joy or want to watch the whole thing, it will be streaming 24x7 all Christmas week.

O Christmas FaithTree 2022

O Christmas (Faith)Tree is something very special: a celebratory service at 7:00 p.m. on December 9 that interweaves favorite Christmas carols and songs — both old and new and in a range of styles — with the story of Christmas that runs from Genesis through Revelation.

Righteous or Rusty? (December 5, 2022)

Are we trying to impress people or are we doing what God has actually called us to in faithfulness?

Faithful Waiting (December 4, 2022)

God often calls us to be faithful as we wait for what He is doing next. What does that look like?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 49: Ps. 138-140)

Pastor Tim takes us through Ps. 138-140, which guide us to think about how God knows us and is faithful and merciful to us wherever we may be in life.

Joy (December 4, 2022)

What does true joy look like? It isn’t necessarily what we imagine.

Blue Christmas

A Service of Hope in Grief

As we approach the Christmas season, we often feel weighed down by losses, hurts and disappointments that seem to conflict with all the celebrations around us. Blue Christmas is meant to help us bring these things before our God, who understands. Christmas, after all, is about Him coming into the world to restore the things that are broken — including us.

This service will be both in-person and live streamed at 7 pm on December 2. Please join us in-person if you can; if you cannot, you can find the service on your favorite streaming service below. For those watching online, consider having a candle available to light at a time you will be prompted to do so later in the service.

Who Is the One Born on Christmas? (November 28, 2022)

We know the what… Jesus is born. But, do we know the “who”?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 48: Ps. 135-137)

Pastor takes us through Ps. 135-137 and thinks about how they fit into the time of preparation we call “Advent.”

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