Little Hills Church - Little Hills Church
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Missed Doomsdays (November 7, 2022)

Lots of things get predicted… but do they happen? As we consider the New Covenant, we see that God foretold something that applies to us.

Conventional Failure (November 6, 2022)

Conventional wisdom leads to conventional failure, but Jesus calls us to set our sights heavenward and experience God’s salvation.

Selfless Giving (November 6, 2022)

Most people operate from a scarcity mindset, where it always feels like it’s never enough. However, what if we shift our hearts to operate under the abundance mindset where there is always enough?

Know Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt (November 6, 2022)

Do we understand how secure our salvation is because of Jesus?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 45: Ps. 126-128)

Pastor Tim takes us through Ps. 126-128 to think about thankfulness and blessings from our God.

Really Spooky Stuff (October 31, 2022)

Tonight we consider the stuff that really scares us: our plans crumbling and the uncertainty we can feel about where God in those moments.

A 30-Day Trial Isn't Enough (October 30, 2022)

Nicodemus came to Jesus wanting to sample His take on God’s Law. Jesus calls both Nicodemus and us to something more.

Selfless Witness (October 30, 2022)

We want to share the life God has for us, but we must be willing to reject our own comfort. It’s not easy, and it sure isn’t comfortable. How do we become bolder about sharing Jesus?

The Testimony of Christ (October 30, 2022)

Who do we say Jesus is?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 44: Ps. 123-125)

Jason takes us through Psalms 123-125 as we continue our one year journey through these songs praising God and applying His truth to our lives.

You are viewing page 37 of 94.