What happens when our sense of plans and purpose don’t seem to be where God is headed?
God saves His people and prepares them for something big for His Kingdom.
How can our lives, as insignificant as they seem, have purpose?
Last week we explored how things were good in the Beginning. But, just because they were good, why should we think there is good ahead for us?
As we begin a journey over the next nine weeks into what the Bible tells us about where we are going, we start by understanding the start.
As we conclude this Psalm, we turn to the question of what are we going to do? Are we making the right choices with our service?
As we turn to the next part of Psalm 2, how do we understand the language of the Messiah being “begotten”? What does that tell us about the confidence we can have in Him?
Though it may appear that God isn’t in control in the given moment, Scripture tells us to have confidence in His steadfast love and power.
We turn to our own plans and end up missing out on both God’s plans for us and understanding Him. Psalm 2 helps us to think about who is really in control and how we can find peace in His control.