Is true wisdom available to all of us or just to select sages?
Are the things we count as blessings the true blessings we seek or the forged evidence thereof?
If God’s wisdom works out so much better for us, what causes us to pick other forms of wisdom?
The world claims all kinds of different ways to get real wisdom… but will any of them actually give us wisdom?
What false teaching has crept into our lives? Like a deadly poison it can build up and cause us to miss God’s love.
What does false teaching offer the false teachers? What does it offer those who follow? It’s attractiveness is what gets us into trouble.
Our world wants to say God won’t judge and that all works out regardless of what we do. What does God say?
The Apostle Peter warns us about false teachers, but are we really prepared to spot them?
We’re wrapping up our study of Philippians tonight. Can the very last verse of the book help us better understand how we experience “peace”?